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One thousand women stand together against gender-based violence in South Africa

South Africa

“In South Africa, a woman is murdered every three hours,” Tina Thiart says. The gender activist stepped up and co-founded the 1000 Women Trust to strengthen and equip women against the scourge of domestic violence and sexual abuse in her country. “By standing together we can empower one another,” she says. “Then we can change the lives of women in South Africa.” 

The first in her family to go to university, Thiart was confronted with the violence women face during her studies. After her friend was sexually assaulted, she knew change was imperative. With the 1000 Women Trust, Thiart and her team assist more than 900 women-led, community-based organisations to fight on the ground. "We work with women and we empower them so that they can provide support to victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse," she says. Training survivors and volunteers to counsel victims of gender-based violence, they offer a space of safety and compassion. The trust also launched the #HearMeToo campaign for survivors to unite and share their stories for collective healing.

For over two decades, Thiart has been leading efforts against violence and abuse of women in an under-resourced sector. This is a true testament to her passion and tenacity. Thousands of women have been impacted by Thiart’s commitment, and she prevails as a force to be reckoned with. “I would like to leave a legacy for women in South Africa where they know they are safe," she says. 

Photos by Karin Schermbrucker of Slingshot Media and footage by 1000 Women Trust were used in the creation of this film.

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