Woman teaching kids outside.

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How an outdoor classroom encourages kids to stay in school

South Africa

You can’t stop Aletta Frans from teaching. She retired six years ago, having spent two decades in the classroom. But now she’s back at it, this time extending her knowledge beyond the school walls. Frans teaches outdoors. It’s an unusual choice, but one based on her observations in the Cape Flats, where she’s witnessed a correlation between illiteracy and school dropouts. When children struggle to comprehend what’s being taught, they don’t see the point of attending. This pushes more kids to find confidence and purpose in gang affiliation instead of education. Frans believes her methods could be a solution. 

“Children need to learn in a way that excites them,” Frans says. She sets up classes in a field on Acacia Road in Parkwood, complete with benches and books. “Teaching kids outside makes them feel free,” Frans says. “It also creates openness for other children in the community.” Here, anyone can join and start a new chapter – youngsters and adults. Frans currently has over 100 students eager to soak in the information and wisdom she offers. “It grows daily,” she says. 

By sating the hungry minds of learners, Frans is improving the literacy rate and opening doors of opportunity. “You can become what you want to,” Frans says. Her lessons empower children to make better choices in life while upskilling them to ensure a brighter future. Teaching and learning isn’t confined to a room. It can happen anywhere. All you need is the willingness. 

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