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How this ex-racehorse was finally given the start she deserves

South Africa

Andrea Auerbach’s heart sank when she saw the skeletal horse in front of her. An inspector with the Garden Route SPCA in South Africa, Auerbach knew the mare needed help immediately. The horse was malnourished, ticks were embedded in her skin, and she was covered in lacerations from rain rot. While examining her, Auerbach found she was microchipped – Connie was an ex-racehorse. 

“Retired racehorses don’t usually make it as far as Connie did,” Auerbach says. Although Connie had completed 20 races between 2013 and 2014, she was abandoned. Racehorses are often neglected and deserted after their prime performance periods have passed. But Auerbach refused to leave this animal in distress. With fierce compassion, Auerbach dedicated her time to rehabilitating Connie. “No feeling compares to saving an animal's life,” she says. 

Today, Connie is leading a happy and healthy existence away from pain. “Since being rescued, she’s become an absolute sweetheart,” Auerbach says. “She just soaks up all the love she can get.” While not all racehorses are given a second chance, Connie was fortunate enough to be rescued by a dedicated carer. “An animal’s usefulness doesn’t determine its worth,” Auerbach says.

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