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This girl group is dropping a beat to end bullying

Central America

The voices of four teenagers pierce the air: “Stop, think, and listen”. Known as TL Girlz, the Detroit-based girl group has soared to the top in less than a year. But they’re not in it for fortune or fame – they sing to save lives. At least one in five students are bullied in the United States every day, affecting their mental health and placing them at risk of suicidal behaviour. Drowning out hate with lyrics of love, these spirited teens are putting an end to the epidemic of bullying. 

As middle school students, Camille Eman, Zoë Gaddis, Nella Bishop, and Alexis Butler endured the abuse of bullies first-hand. Teased for their appearance and religious beliefs, they all battled with low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. But after theatrical producer Vanessa Lynn scouted them in early 2020, the girls joined forces and formed the band True Love Girlz. Providing an essential support system for one another, they began to amplify their voices and advocate for victims of bullying. “We’ve all been through the experience,” Butler says. “We just wanted to tell kids that you can stand up for yourself.” 

Although the quartet have only been together for several months, they have had a significant impact in the lives of kids around the country. Their debut EP Lil Queens blends R&B and reggae with lyrics that move youth into action. The talented teens also act out skits in their music videos that highlight the consequences of bullying while modelling respect and kindness for their audience. “We don’t just sing and dance,” Butler says. “We want to show our peers that it is possible to make a positive difference at school, and even the world.” Singing from the heart and dropping a beat, the TL Girlz are changing the tune of bullies. 

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