Ashley Higgins Hair stylist beautiful news

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With free handcrafted wigs, this hairstylist restores confidence for kids with alopecia

United Kingdom

Hair loss doesn’t just affect adults. For thousands of children in the United Kingdom, alopecia is their reality. Ashley Higgins, a salon owner in Manchester, noticed how little support and information was available to families with suffering kids. So she decided to get to the root of the issue and became a specialist in hair integration. To brighten the lives of young girls, Higgins doesn’t charge a penny. 

“Not many people realise how distressing hair loss can be for children,” Higgins says. “The majority of them will tell me that they are getting bullied at school for how their hair looks.” Stress can exacerbate alopecia, and the cruel effects of being ostracised leads to kids’ hair falling out even faster. Higgins established Little Lady Locks to provide hair systems like wigs and weaves to children struggling with hair loss. “We offer our services free of charge,” she says. “We believe that every child should be equal in fighting hair loss.” Made from real human hair, Higgins’ hair systems are durable and look and feel authentic, giving any child the boost needed to reclaim their self-worth. 

The right shade, texture, and shape of a hair system is determined for each client through a consultation. The units are made by hand by the Little Lady Locks team, ensuring their high quality. When they’re fitted, parents and kids are taught how to care for the new hair, and maintenance services are freely performed at the salon. Through her empathetic approach, Higgins is reigniting the spark in girls’ eyes. “I cry tears of joy at the end of every fitting because seeing them so happy is just so overwhelming,” she says. “Confidence can be regained.”

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