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This violinist brings music written by candlelight into a digital era

South Africa

The musicians gather on stage. Dressed to the nines and cradling their double basses and delicate flutes, each player feels a tingle of anticipation. Veriko Tchumburidze is performing the coveted Brahms solo, his only concerto for the violin. Every eye is on Tchumburidze as she winds her way to centre stage, her 264-year-old instrument in hand. 

At just 24, Tchumburidze is famed for her captivating performances. Enraptured by the melodies drawn from her bow, the violinist exudes emotion that doesn’t require words to be understood. “Although I am Turkish and Georgian, the language of music is international,” she says. Born into a family of professional musicians, Tchumburidze was destined to play the violin and began lessons at three. For two decades since, she has committed her life to four strings and a horsehair bow. 

But not everyone appreciates the sacrifice demanded by learning a classical instrument. In an era of high-speed downloads and bite-sized attention spans, patience seems to last as long as it takes for an app to refresh. The music Tchumburidze plays is anything but instant and was written by candlelight – Brahms’ concerto was composed a year before the light bulb was invented. The seeming disparity between the world today and Tchumburidze’s art doesn’t dampen her. “Through classical music, I hope to connect more people,” she says. 

As she reaches rapt audiences around the world, she’s achieving global acclaim. Tchumburidze became the First Prize recipient of the prestigious International Henryk Wieniawski Violin Competition in 2016. Awarded roughly every five years, this accolade rocketed Tchumburidze into a hallowed hall of victors. “To get to this point in my career took a lot of determination,” she says. “An instrument is like an extension of the self.” Devoting her life to the violin, this musician exemplifies dedication to craft that yields purpose and excellence. “My passion brought me this far,” Tchumburidze says. “Nothing can hold you back.”

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