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Books that breathe? This maverick shatters stereotypes with a human library

South Africa

Everyone has a story to tell. Our lives follow unique plots with unpredictable twists, tragic turns, and heartfelt resolutions. But many people will judge someone purely on their appearance, and never uncover their true character. As a journalist, Ronni Abergel understood the value of our diverse narratives that were too often disregarded. Encouraging people to be an open book in his Human Library, he’s rewriting a history of prejudice. 

Abergel first encountered the effects of blind anger when his friend survived being stabbed six times. The unjustified attack spurred Abergel into action and he co-founded the Stop The Violence Movement. Advocating for peace among troubled youth in his hometown, Copenhagen, the organisation began developing creative conflict-resolution techniques. “The first step towards a kinder society is being open to talk to strangers,” Abergel says. He tested this idea at a local music festival, sparking comprehensive dialogues and empathy between seemingly different people. With the pop-up event a success, Abergel took the concept to the next level and founded a global initiative known as the Human Library. 

With the aim of ‘unjudging’ a person, the programme creates a safe space to shatter stereotypes through honest and intimate conversations. Enlisting the help of volunteers known as books, participants are able to delve into a range of topics such as addiction, sexuality, religion, and disability. Abergel’s unorthodox model is now used by educational institutions and communities across 85 countries. “I'm proud to see so many people showing the social courage to come out and support the library,” Abergel says. 

As strangers actively engage with one another and gain new perspectives, the programme is showing potential in mitigating incidents of racism, transphobia, and other prejudices. Knowledge is the greatest power. When we understand each other, we have the ability to create change together.

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